It is not difficult to find books and other spiritual writings that point out the weaknesses of Christianity in both theory and practice. It is rare to find one that presents a viable alternative theology based on sound scholarship and the discoveries of modern science. This is such a book.
O’Murchu is an Irish Catholic priest and social scientist. His interest is in understanding humanity’s place in the world and its relationship to God (however known or named) and the world around us. He challenges many of the existing paradigms of Christianity (and Catholicism in particular) and says that these must be reimagined for humanity to develop a sustainable relationship with God and the world. Some of these paradigms include:
· co-dependency
· power and authority vested in white, male, celibate, clerics
· the superiority of humans over other sentient beings and the environment
· atonement theory
· the incarnation as a recent event (2000 years)
· the understanding of the Trinity
O’Murchu proposes that the Spirit is the creator of the universe; that creation is evolutionary and ongoing; that our reason for existence as humans is to contribute fully to creation and the reign of God; that humanity is not superior to other elements of creation and must adopt right relationship with them; and that spirituality (rather than religion) seeks to link us more deeply with the conscious creativity of the Great Spirit, imminent in creation rather than transcendent to it.
This is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and challenging books that I have read in recent years. Published in 2021, the book draws on well-known authors such as Spong, Crossan, Johnson, Rohr, Haight, Borg, Bourgeault, Delio, Caputo and others to mould a compelling alternative theology.
I wonder if he has caught the attention of the Catholic theological police?