THIS BOOK IS VERY TIMELY for the general population in providing accessibility to researched scientific features of consciousness in quantum physics and its implications for a spiritual vision of life. The conversational style of the author affirms and invites a partnership with the reader.
At first sight, the vast proportion of the population would shy away from such a topic by claiming their ignorance of the whole world of science and energy fields. They might well ask, “What has all this got to do with my own spiritual journey, or even facing the challenges of daily living?”
The author, Leslie N. Savage, offers a masterly conversation with the reader by providing guidance through this topic, integrating an evolution of scientific insights about old and new paradigms of thinking on the relationships between matter and energy fields.
In reading this book, I was constantly impressed by the author’s erudition of his topic and his ability to summarize critical insights about subjects such as consciousness and the role of the mind, morphic resonance, near-death and out-of-body experiences, quantum physics, quantum information, the fine-tuning of nature, challenges to materialism, and especially how cosmic fields of energy connect everything in the universe.
What was especially significant to me was the author’s discussion of how the contents of the universe are genetically related. I appreciated the insights about God or a Divine Presence within the core evolving energy of creation. The ecumenical vision of the connectivity of everything in existence appeals to the universalism of a relational cosmos. Of special interest to me was the inclusion of wisdoms from the mystics about the oneness of all things. For Christians, the Christ metaphor reflects this sacred inclusion.
The author’s style is one of inviting the reader to journey with him in the exploration of this vast, evolving field of science and its obvious relevance to enhancing a communal consciousness. Such a consciousness offers people a more viable way of being within the web of all life in creation rather than merely existing in the paucity of sterile materialism.
On a personal level, I resonated with the author’s core thesis of how the world of contemporary science is very much in accord with a spiritual vision of life. My own constant plea is that the Christian story must be reframed within the Great Story of the Universe and ultimately with God, Great Spirit, Source of all Being. All things in the universe are generative manifestations of this Divine Presence and creation.
I congratulate the author for sharing his great learning, and especially his ability to synthesize and compose this invaluable resource. Such a useful asset is relevant for all those who wish to better integrate the extraordinary developments in modern science, especially in quantum physics and consciousness, with their own spiritual journeys within the connectivity of all things.
Hopefully this book will be widely read, initiate conversations, and nurture love.
Kevin Treston BA (Hons) MA (Hons) MEd PhD OAM