At our September online meeting we looked at Richard Rohr’s characterisation of four different worldviews he suggests can broaden our understanding of different levels of consciousness. We found them helpful and thought provoking and appreciated that we can move from one to another at different times. We recognised the wisdom in holding an incarnational worldview, albeit it can be difficult to see God sometimes in controversial leaders! Nevertheless, as Rohr has written in his book, Everything Belongs, when we can recognise God in each and every person our behaviour change would be towards acceptance, welcome, warmth and nurturing towards all peoples.
Our October meeting will focus on the work of Brian McLaren, who has developed a list of thirteen biases which he says can also affect the development of our personal worldview.
Our September Butterfly Series meeting online focused on Richard Rohr’s characterisation of four different world views. Rohr feels that these can broaden our understanding of different levels of consciousness. Our October meeting will focus on the work of Brian McLaren, who has developed a list of thirteen biases which he says can also affect the development of our personal worldview.
Over the last month we have added Kindred Spirits & Podcasts as we find inspiration from others. We include links to their websites and podcasts.
We can now also list your neighbourhood group so that others can find you or be aware of you. If you would like to be listed here, please contact us!
Richard Rohr: Order, Disorder, Reorder
John Dick: What Matters – Beliefs or Practice?
Jeremy Lent: Honoring Multiple Truths: An Integrative Pathway to Peace in Israel/Palestine
Book reviews:
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The development of our community has been built so far on a Catholic/Christian foundation; however, we acknowledge religion is not the only path to spiritual growth. We welcome suitable material from other viewpoints, you can contact us through the website or by email.
St Lucia Spirituality is dedicated to creating a positive impact through spiritual enlightenment. We have to spend funds to access the resources we provide you and the things we can’t do ourselves such as computer related stuff. We rely on the generosity of individuals like you to defray these inevitable costs of our volunteer work. Your donation will enable us to reach more people and make a difference in their lives.
We very much appreciate the donations we have already received.
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