At our August online meeting we reviewed the principal article on the importance of consciousness in spirituality on our website’s home page. We feature this article because it goes to the very heart and purpose of our community, one that supports seekers of spiritual growth.
This is why we have established our website. As we grow spiritually, we recognise that many beliefs we hold may be misplaced or aren’t that important. Ultimately, we see that we are all connected with each other, that we are One. This is illustrated very well in this short video. The lyrics of the song warrant reflection.
However, egocentric or ethnocentric worldviews cannot recognise this Oneness. For example, as Jeremy Lent explains in his article, Honoring Multiple Truths: An Integrative Pathway to Peace in Israel/Palestine, a more nuanced discussion of the underlying issues is needed, reflective of a higher level of consciousness. He writes:
“When we engage in political discourse, we must choose our words carefully to avoid adding to the polarized grandstanding dominating the media ..… the mindless use of blanket terms such as “pro-Israel” or “pro-Palestinian” only serves to smother the deeper issues of human rights under a cacophony of tribal rivalry.”
His article presents a far more nuanced and comprehensive discussion of the underlying issues than we are accustomed to seeing in our media or hearing from our politicians. We recommend it to you.
Interpreting your worldview: Our next meeting will examine some different worldviews suggested by Richard Rohr to broaden our understanding of different levels of consciousness. He distinguishes between:
A material worldview
A spiritual worldview
A priestly worldview
An incarnational worldview
Over the last month we have added:
Book reviews:
Doing Theology in an Evolutionary Way by Diarmuid O’Murchu, 2021.
One River, Many Wells by Matthew Fox, 2004.
The Return of the Prodigal Son – a Story of Homecoming by Henri Nouwen, 2014.
Consciousness & Creation: Discover a pathway into the mystery of God’s quantum universe by Les Savage, 2023
Do you realise that our website has a very good search function? Enter key words into the search box in the menu bar and find articles and information stored in our archives. As we add new material this function will become increasingly useful.
Our website is still under construction and we shall be adding information on kindred organisations, podcasts and neighbourhood groups soon. Bookmark our website in your browser and visit us to keep in touch.
The development of our community has been built so far on a Catholic/Christian foundation; however, we acknowledge religion is not the only path to spiritual growth. We welcome suitable material from other viewpoints, you can contact us through the website or by email.
We invite you to to share your experiences with our community. For example, you can share your ideas, books you are reading and questions you are asking by writing to us. You can also offer your comments on our Facebook page and engage in discussions. This is an important supplement to the information available on our website.
We invite you to get involved, have your say! Others may benefit from your experience.
St Lucia Spirituality is dedicated to creating a positive impact through spiritual enlightenment. We have to spend funds to access the resources we provide you and the things we can’t do ourselves such as computer related stuff. We rely on the generosity of individuals like you to defray these inevitable costs of our volunteer work. Your donation will enable us to reach more people and make a difference in their lives.
We very much appreciate the donations we have already received.
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We welcome your feedback and invite you to share this with your friends.
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